Saturday, March 17, 2012

I'm Toast

Dear Reader,

You are at this point wondering why I created a Blog entitled: The Toast Phenomenon.  Well it's like this: I love toast!  I mean I am obsessed with it!  I eat it all the time.  Toast crumbs fill my life and my counter tops.  for those who are still skeptic about why toast is the best thing in the world here are the top ten reasons why it rocks socks!

10) It's quick: all you need is a toaster some bread and butter and about 5 minutes.  Perfect for any college student.

9) It's cheap: on a tight budget?  That's fine.  Bread is $1.29 at your local grocery store and a cheap toaster runs at about $20.  Find yourself a handy dandy outlet and you're all set!

8) It's healthy: Let's say your chillin on the coach after a long day.  There is a bag of potato chips OR you can just make yourself a quick healthy slice of toast!  Go toast you won't regret it!

7) It requires few dishes: Here's another one for all those college students out there.  You all have sinks full of dirty dishes that never go away.  Toast requires no frying pan, no pot, just a knife and a toaster.

6) It brings life to the party!  My wonderful roommates threw me a toast birthday party 2 years ago and can I just say it was the best of my life.  Guests bring a loaf of bread, you get a few toasters and let the party begin!

5) French Toast: We've all had it we all love it.  It's like pancakes but better!  Nuff said.

4-2) It's good for any meal: Breakfast? Add eggs and Bacon and make it a meal.  Lunch? stick some tuna fish or scrambled eggs between it and it's perfect for that time of day.  Dinner? Put some garlic on it and add some pasta and you've got a romantic Italian evening!

1) It's delicious!  Don't take my word for it try it!

Will this blog be all about toast?  No.  This blog is about me.  About my love and life and desires and accomplishments and occasionally my woes and sadness.  But I wanted to entitle it something that I loved so so much and that just comes down to toast!


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