Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Muddy Buddies v. Men

The other night I was sitting at home with my roommate and we decided to have a night in.  Ok ok scratch that.  It was a Friday night and neither of us had dates.  We were forced into staying in so we decided to make the most of it.  Dominos and a movie seemed sufficient.  We discussed if there were snacks to be had during this movie and it both hit us like a double-decker bus: Muddy Buddies!  Chocolatey Peanut Buttery goodness that take like 15 minutes to make but satisfy you for a lifetime!  Our game plan was sound.  Hit Lees to pick up ingredients and order pizza over the phone so we could pick it up on the way to the Hastings to get the movie.  Under an hour and we were all set.

 So we made these Muddy Buddies while discussing the pathetic-ness of our lives as single students.  But as we sat down to watch this amazing movie (Flipped, rated PG I give it 3.5 stars.  A bit cheesy but great life lessons) I thought about how much better Muddy Buddies are than an actual man.  Now I'm not going to made a Ven-diagram or T chart as much as I'd like to.  I am simply going to explain that night with Muddy Buddies and you can draw your own conclusions.

When we were all ready and in our Cozy Wozies as I like to call them we grabbed our blankets and got ready to start the movie.  Knowing I was all set I went to the kitchen and got my muddy buddies out of the fridge.  Bringing them into the front room we settled down onto the couch.  They of course didn't mind that I needed to move around a bit to get comfortable. It took a few minutes until I found the right position but then I was comfortably watching the movie.

Now Muddy Buddies are sweet and delicious.  However there was a point when I had enough and wanted to put them to the side and simply watch the movie.  I needed to stretch out and wanted some personal space.  It wasn't that I didn't like the Muddy Buddies it was just that I had had enough . . .for now.  So I put them on the table and guess what?  They didn't take offense or try to come back they were just content to sit and wait until I was ready for more, which eventually I WAS!

At the end of the night I was tired and full.  I had enough Muddy Buddies for one night and was ready to say goodbye.  Rather than overstaying their welcome they simply let me put them in the fridge knowing that I would come back if/when I wanted some more.  I got to go to bed when I wanted and everyone was happy.    There was no definite commitment that I would want to share another occasion with my delicious treat we just lived in the moment and enjoyed the sweetness of life.

Now I know your rebuttal here:
-You are just sad that you don't have a sexy Hugh Jackman in your life.
-You are scared of commitment and need to learn to share your life.
-Give someone else your attention, it's not all about you.
-You got to eat a tasty treat but did you get to make out with a hot man that night?

To all this I respond: What are you talking about, I just like Muddy Buddies!