Thursday, April 25, 2013

I've got this feeling

It's the same feeling I got at Westland Elementary.  I remember we had one day towards the end of school.  It was field day.  We all got to go outside because it was finally warm.  We spent all day playing games from kickball to water balloon volleyball.  It was always one of the most anticipated days of the whole year.  There is a certain feeling you can get.  It is so tangible that you can almost smell it.  It smells like fresh air and mowed grass and joy.  It is the feeling of summer and anticipation.

When I went into middle school the feeling was the same but I got it when the middle school awards ceremonies were near.  It was less of an excitement to go play outside and more to see what awards I got that year.  I, being the smart-aleck over-acheiver I was, always came out with straight A's.  Let's face it, the 22 year old me would've beat the 14 year-old me up hard core; then taken me out for ice cream and bought myself some jeggings, taught me how to use a straightener, and explain what kissing a boy is like.  Anyway, middle school had the same feeling only with a tad more anxiety.

High School end of year time was still the same feeling only with a lot more stress.  I was yearbook editor so end of the year meant finishing everything and getting it to the printer and handing them out.  It was a big ol' deal.  By this point I definitely wouldn't say I was cool but I did have friends so end of the year meant parties, bon fires, and sleepovers.  It meant trips and camping.  It meant looking back at the tough year and saying, I did it, I survived and next year is gonna be so much better. Still it felt like hope and otter pops.

In College the feeling usually feels like finals, books, and long hours at the library.  It's not miserable though.  I loved being at the library all day.  I love making it my only priority.  I love getting to the library, neglecting my studying and watching Netflix all day.  Let's face it, that was the real finals week was like.  I love cramming until midnight the night before and waking up feeling uprepared and scared I'll fail out of college. I love when that last final is over and I get to walk away looking forward to the summer.

Today was the last day of classes, the last day of work, and the last day of ATV News.  I'm moving to South Carolina in two weeks to start a full-time job.  For at least the next five years I most likely won't be in school at all.  So that feeling was about 1000 times bigger than usual.  I've been doing this for the last 18 years of my life.  Now, I won't.  Now I start a new chapter.  Now I go on another adventure.  I'm gonna highlight some people in the next few posts.  People who have changed my life.  Without them, I wouldn't be who I am.  You already know who you are.  You are the ones that made me want something more than just happiness.  You wanted me to reach for the best, to be better, and to love more than I thought I could.

Until then, I'm going to hold onto this feeling.  The one that says, "Go out and play before the world comes crashing down, because it's field day, and you need a day off"


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Big News! I'm Growing Up!

There comes a time in everyone's life that they have to grow up.  Even Christopher Robin left the hundred acre woods eventually right? The Green Power Ranger eventually grew up and taught school, reprising his role in Power Rangers like 8 years later, fun fact.  And just as they grew up I get to take the next step in my life.  Are you ready?  Are you sure?  Ok . . .

I have been offered and accepted a job at WCIV Charleston, South Carolina.  It's a ABC affiliate television station.  I will be a full time Videographer for them.

There it is.  I'm moving across the country.  I move in two weeks.  I'm going to a place that I've never been, know no one, and is about 200% more humid than Utah.  Ok you can say it, I'm crazy.

The Fear
Am I freaking out?  About every third minute.  It'll hit me, the reality of the situation.  I'm going to be further away from my family and friends than I've ever been in my life.  This is my first job and I will have to really throw myself into it.  I don't have a place to live yet and have to move in about two weeks.  Yeah.  How can I do this!?  I might not be able to get home for Christmas.  It could be a while before I am back in Utah at all!  I have lived here my whole life.  I have never lived further away from home than Logan, Utah.  I have never had a full time job.  I have never lived in a sauna before.  Ok now that I've officially freaked you all out and you are sincerely worried about my safety let's move on.

The Fun
It's always been a dream of mine to have the courage to go out to somewhere completely new and immerse myself in my atmosphere.  Looks like fate listened.  When I initially applied for this job I thought it was a long shot.  Who's gonna hire a Photog straight out of college and help them move across the country.  But I applied because I was keeping expectations low.  I tweeted the chief Photog (basically the boss) and he gave me his e-mail.  I bugged and bugged him until he called me.  We interviewed, he called my great references, and two days ago I was offered a job.  The Chief Photog Dave MacQueen is an insanely nice guy.  He was willing to do whatever I needed to help me move out.  He said he could look for apartments for me, put me in contact with people, he made it very clear that I was valuable.  When I told my teacher, Brian Champagne, he was stoked.  My whole department was stoked. They have already been giving me contacts they know.  My roommates have been insanely supportive, jumping up and down with me and giving me hugs through the anxiety and waiting.  One not-roommate but boyfriend-of-roommate has visited Charleston and was one of the first people who made me want to live there, telling me how amazing it is.  It is a gorgeous city, right next to the coast. I'll be leaving the mountains but I'll send you all pictures of the beach.  Yeah. I've already looked up where churches are located and been working on getting in contact with potential Bishops.

Here's where you come in dear readers, friends, family etc.  For one: make sure you miss me a lot.  I will miss all of you I promise!  Skype and Facetime are definitely welcome.  Two: visit.  Um . . . now you have a reason to come to the east coast.  I'm doing you a huge favor here.  Most importantly, I need your help.  If you know anyone in Charleston, South Carolina.  I could use contacts.  If they are LDS it would be especially helpful.  Once I find housing life gets a little less stressful.

In any case, I'm moving.  I will be gone a week or two after graduation and be living and working in Charleston.  Wish me luck and give me lots of hugs and prayers.  I'll do a whole post about everyone who has influenced my life, especially at USU but thanks.  Thanks for eating cheeze its with me and taking long drives out to Tremonton, and taking me fly fishing.  I owe you!  Love you all!

~Emily Katrina Landeen.