Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My New Life

Much like the actress Amanda Bynes I too have become a new person.  No I didn't shave half my head or get busted for Marijuana, that one belongs to Amanda only but I have in the last month, graduated from college, packed my life into a very small car, and moved across the country.  I then started a job, went to the beach almost a dozen times, and rapped for my ward.  My name is Emily Landeen and this is my new life.


Wow.  That happened.  I went through the last four years of college having way too much fun, staying up way to late, and crying/laughing/laughing-so-much-you-cry way too much than is healthy for any young adult.  It all lead up to one very long, very tiring day of celebration.  It was fantastic.  I spent it with friends and family. I felt very accomplished.  I felt like I was ready to move on.

My sister surprised me by showing up.  She was supposed to be off on a trip in another state but decided to come back a day early to come to my graduation.  Having her there meant the world to me.

Brian Champagne taught me a ton.  From remembering that the Leatherman's is NOT a tool BUT an attitude, to what it means to be a Linchpin.  I wouldn't be where I am without him, physically or emotionally.

My parents and Grandparents drove up all the way from the valley just for this.  My family has had my back in so many ways for the last four years.  To have them there meant so much.

As excited as I was to graduate I think I was stressed.  There was so much to do.  I was moving to Charleston in less than a week!  I rushed graduation a little but took a few moments to cherish all the memories I've made.

Saying Goodbye
When you move across the country you have to leave a lot behind.  Sometimes that is good.  There are some chosen few who I know it is best to put some distance between.  I won't be get butterflies everytime I see  a maroon truck anymore.  But for many, saying goodbye is the hardest thing ever.  Especially when they've meant so much to me.

This little lady was the first.  Samantha Florence Reeves is one of my best friends and fellow spinstress.  We've been through a lot together.  We were roommates the summer of 2011.  It was a good summer.  We drank bolthouse, dated the wrong guys, and spent waaaay too much time watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  On one particular bad day she bought me a card with three scantily clad men on it and said, "I get the middle one".  No one has ever said, 'I love you girl' quite so appropriately.  She is the one I called each time my heart was broken, she is the one I watched Ben's season of te Bachelor with. She is the Amy Pohler to my Tina Fey.  I love you Sam!  Also, poop.

This group of girls.  Wow.  I mean I lucked out with roommates all four years of school but I think it's safe to say I needed these girls more than any of the others!  They dealt with my anxiety, fed me delicious rice, went to the temple at 5am with me, talk about men for hours with me, and played super smash bros till I was too tired to keep my eyes open.  When I made the decision to move they kept me moving forward.  I love you guys! Thanks.

High school is not fun for everyone but it was for me.  Why? Because I had this amazing group of friends.  From Jamba to Piano playing.  From once again crying over boys to watching LOTR we had a good time.  Before I left we said our goodbyes.  It was too brief but was enough time to share some stories and give some hugs.

I'm not gonna say I said goodbye to family because I didn't and never will. They are my all. They are my rock.  They Google+ chat with me every week and are the best group of dorks any emotionally messed up girl could hope for.  They'll never leave me no matter how many hours you put between us.

The Trip
Have you ever driven for 34+ hours? No? Well if you do it I would reccomend bringing your mom!  It makes life 10 times more fun!  Especially when crazy stuff happens like almost running into dear, and hydroplaning till your tires are about to pop.  It's moments like that that I cherish.  No but really. Ellen Landeen is the best road trip companion.  She buys you treats at every stop! She lets you drive to fancy hotels and makes sure you are fully equipped with Harry Potter Audio Books.  She makes you stop at every stinking state line to take a picture.  I was scared to death.  We had a good time.  We had plenty of time where we talked about life. About me, about her, about everything.  Then we had times she slept and I just drove falling into a world where I have three best friends who go on crazy adventures to magical lands.

Charleston, SC
And I'm here.  I know you are like, why!?  Why would you move across the country?  You left plenty of good looking men, friends, family, just for a job.  I have one thing to say to you.

Yup that's it.  That is all I got.  No that's a lie. There are about 5000 othere reasons you should all start packing your bags and moving to South Carolina.

1) The People are so freaking nice! So it's my second day in Charleston.  I have no bed.  It's a saturday and we find a place to buy it but they can't deliver until monday.  And it's 70 bucks to deliver.  But wait, no nevermind.  Out of the goodness of this guy's heart he delivers the bed that day with no charge.  Just because he is a good person.  WHAT!?  I mean people in Utah are nice but that is just crazy!  That's not the only one but I'll move on.

2) Beaches Ask me how close I am to the Beach.  Go on. 10 minutes. That's it.  That is how far it takes me to get to my home away from home.  I have gone every free minute I've had.  I've gone with friends, and once with mommy dearest.  It is so great!  Be jealous, pack your bags.

3) The bridge Ask me where I live.  Ready?  Ok.  Right under the Ravenell Bridge.  It is th prettiest thing ever.  It has a walkway that people run and bike on all the time.  There is also a pier where you can fish.  Yeah so that is my back yard.  Have you packed yet?

4) Food I literally have a list of restaurants to try.  I need dates.  Already tried a few but the food here is amazing.  The BBQ is incredible.  combine that with all the rest and you have paradise.  Fo Sho!

My New Friends
You guys aren't lucky enough to meet all my new friends in person so you are going to have to meet them through my Blog.

Roommate: Holly/Awesome
I combined the two because I truly believe they are one entity.  Holly is a person.  She is fantastic.  She basically had everything we needed for our house along with an extremely comfy chair.  She works at Pet Helpers but just got a new job today!  Her cat, Awesome is pretty great too.  I got to feed him one weekend and we basically became best friends. The three of us make a great team!

Friends: Micheal, Annika, Brittanie, David, etc. (sorry if you fit into that last group)
Some of you may worry that I am not being well taken care of.  Not to worry.  I have people looking out for me.  Micheal was one of the first people I met when I got here.  Basically he's a mechanic for the Air Force.  You know NBD.  No it's a very big deal?  How do I know this? Well he took me on the planes and showed me all the fancy pants stuff he gets to do.  I was impressed I'm not gonna lie.  He's also a great beach companion and can tan way too easily, son of a gun.  Annika and I are basically twins.  We share a brain half the time.  I can feel when she is happy, sad, all of the above.  We basically could sit in a room for an hour and just say, 'Girl' and know what was up. We are soulmate friends, I can feel it.  Brittanie is a happy awesome person who works with children in Mt. Pleasant and can sing like an angel!  What?! She's awesome.  David is a good miniature golfer.  That's all I got.  If you didn't get mentioned, try harder.  Love you all.

My New Job
I am the proud Photographer for ABC4 in Charleston, SC.  It is an amazing station.  The people are incedibly nice and I get to do something cool and different all the time.  I have already been to City Hall, the Aquarium, one museum, the Hurrican Evacuation headquarters, and about a dozen other places.  It is so great!  I love the job.  I have my own truck I get to drive, a beautiful camera, a light kit with dichroic filters and once in a while they let me take the live truck.  It's awesome!  I love it so much!

So that's it. That is my new life.  I would say it will definitely made into a movie someday.  J-Law can play me.  The story of a girl takinga chance for love, life, and work.  It's not easy but it's actually incredibly easy and fun!  Put an indiana jones style map in there and I think we've got something.  From the small town of Mt. Pleasant, SC this is Emily Landeen signing off.  Love you!

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