Sunday, September 9, 2012

You're 21. Get Married.

As I begin a new school year I have been wondering what would be appropriate to say about college life.  This year is quite a bit different for me.  I thought through the topics of things I could write about.  Well I'm a Broadcast Journalism major so I could talk about why I chose that particular vocation.  I have a new adorable baby niece so I could write about how she is the angel of my life and I am so very excited to watch her grow up with her amazing parents.  I could talk about how there are only two weeks until the new season of NCIS starts and how the writers have apparently started reading the crazy fan mail I've been sending them resulting in finally getting Tony Dinozzo and Ziva David together.  All of these are fun, full of the things I love, and completely stress free.  But as I thought about what is the biggest part of my life at this, the 21st year of my life as a senior at Utah State University and as I met with the bishop today to discuss callings and all that jazz there was only one topic that kept coming up over and over again.  Marriage (enter eye role and exhausive grown . . . here)  Ok people yes. I'm writing one those posts.  The ones when the world is attacking me for being 21, a senior, and not married.  Now I know many of my followers are out of state (haha as if I have followers ;)) so I must first explain things to you the way of world inside of Utah.  It's very long and complicated but I'll try to explain it simply.  OK here we go.

If you are a single college aged person, especially but not limited to a girl, you are insane, chastised by every bishop, mocked by every married couple, and metaphorically kicked in the shin by every beautiful busty blonde out there.

Yup that pretty much sums it up.  See for some reason, time for Latter Day Saints is different than the rest of the world.  I don't know when it happened.  Could have been the polygamy years, or when BYU was created.  If we aren't married by 30 we are automatically spinsteresses.  I won't get too far into that particular word as I've done a whole post on that part of it but we do get more pressure to get married earlier.  Whatever the reason it is sure getting annoying to be a college student.  I graduate in a few months and if I'm not married there is a good chance I will be rejected from my community much like Kovu was during The Lion King 2.

You see what he went through?  I can't handle that.  The problem is that even if I reject the world and go Kovu style I likely won't have my love follow me into the wilderness and sing "Love will find a way" like Kovu and Kiara. You see LDS culture isn't like the world.  The idea of 30 flirty and thriving isn't as true.  We don't go out to bars and clubs and drink.  I'm not saying this is a bad thing because I really have no desire to do so but that is how people meet in the world.  In our culture we have something quite a bit different but just as affective.  It's called singles wards.  Stick 190 awkward young adults and 10 not awkward young adults in a community together and let them play never have I ever for an hour and everyone will apparently find their soul-mates.  I'd say it is all lore but I've seen proof so whatevs.  So basically I've got  8 months to fall in love and get married or my life becomes Golden Girls (which wouldn't be the worst thing in the world).

I think I'm like Britta from Community.  Britta dates all the wrong guys.  Some are full of themselves, others literally have no shame.  I don't know if I do this on purpose or not but they are either emotionally or physically unavailable.  It may be my commitment issues coming to a front but I think I'm cursed.  Maybe I did a love potion in a past life that backfired in this life.  I think that's a lot more likely.  Someday I'll probably meet a boy who is my age, graduating, zero commitment issues, living exactly where he needs to, oh yeah and interested in me and I'll implode because I can't find something to stop.  I've been trying to decide what to do.  Here are my top choices

- Become a nun.  I say this for two reasons.  First of all it writes off all men which would be great.  Second I could sing great songs like in Sound of Music.  Third I could find myself a Captain Von Trap.  He does have some emotional baggage with a dead wife and all and control issues but it's a start.

- Male through Mail.  Order a husband.  I mean then I could stay single as long as I wanted and then when the time is right I just send for him.  The biggest flaw with this is that I would want the body of Hugh Jackman and the brain of Mr. Darcy (actually I'll take his body too).  This combination is probably unlikely.

- Stay single.  Nope I like men too much.  I want marriage, family, the whole thing, I just want things to work without any problems.  I know it's unrealistic but I had to say it.  I don't want the Wonder Years.  I just want simplicity.

Ok in all reality I know whatever is supposed to work out will, in it's own time frame.  Maybe distance doesn't matter, maybe dating a wardy isn't as deadly as it's been in the past.  Maybe opposites don't attract and it's better to find someone so much like you it's almost creepy.  Maybe he'll finally talk to me, maybe it's better to focus on my career right now.  Maybe my life will become a Jane Austin novel but until then I'm going to just focus on having fun with no regrets!  Emily out!


  1. Try being 23, graduated with a full time job, wanted to go on a mission but after praying got a no, and still single.
    My bishops were actually pretty cool. The majority of them could tell I was not the type of person who is going to be "forced" into dating just to do it. I value my time and other people's time, so I only date when I really feel compelled to do so.

    But, I know where you are coming from; the church culture in Utah is a bit much.

  2. Emily, I would never kick you in the shins, literally or metaphorically ;)

  3. haha Em you are too funny. Just to warn you it never stops... now that Ia m married I feel like people are just waiting for me to get pregnant and there is NO way I am ready for that! Plus you are too cute to go single forever! You will find the guy of your dreams and it will totally be worth the wait!! but I know how you feel, so if you need a break from all the single people out there give me a call!! I promise I am still fun :) <3
